With more than 26 years of professional dog training experience, Teoti is the author of The Dog Behavior Problem Solver, The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training, Puppy Care and Training, Quick and Easy Crate Training and more. Teoti writes for Modern Dog and Happy Paws magazines, plus the Fear Free Happy Homes blog. She also hosts the Get Pawsitive Results radio show on Pet Life Radio. She has earned the designations of Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) and Karen Pryor Certified Training Partner (KPA-CTP).
Teoti currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, and serves as vice president of A Dog’s Best Friend, the first dog training company to use positive reinforcement training in South Florida.
A popular speaker, she has presented at workshops and conferences to the public and to other canine professionals across the United States and internationally. She is past president of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), the largest organization of dog trainers in the world, founded by renowned veterinarian Dr. Ian Dunbar.
Teoti serves as a consultant on canine training and behavior for local and national dog rescue groups. She has been involved with pet therapy as a volunteer, evaluator and instructor for more than 25 years, serving with two Labrador Retrievers, a Papillon and one special cat.
Books & Articles
Teoti has been a professional writer and editor for more than 27 years. She started writing commercials for radio, and through her career has earned success as well as national awards for print, broadcast and Web communications. These days, her writing has mostly gone to the dogs! Read more.
Webinars & Radio
Teoti’s radio show on Pet Life Radio, Get Pawsitive Results, will help you to better understand your canine best friend, and help you learn how to train him to be a wonderful family companion. Teoti also holds regular webinars on canine behavior for pet parents and professional dog trainers. Learn more.
Teoti is vice president of A Dog’s Best Friend, offering a variety of services to dogs and their families in South Florida. Eager to take your new puppy to kindergarten? Need private lessons for a dog that is fearful or aggressive? Get positive solutions!